Saturday, 9 January 2016

Book - Learning Alfresco Web Scripts - 1st Anniversary

My first book has recently completed the first anniversary of it being published. It was really a great experience writing the book. I thank each and everyone of you for all your support.

Alfresco web scripts is a key feature of Alfresco Enterprise Content Management system. It allows you to build up customized integration solutions on top of the Alfresco repository. It's a must to know if you are working on Alfresco. Learning web scripts will help you get most out of Alfresco for implementing an integration solution for your customer.

I have tried to share my knowledge, expertise and learning about Alfresco web scripts through a book titled Learning Alfresco Web Scripts. This book will help you to get started with Alfresco web scripts if you are completely new to this subject. If you already have experience working with web scripts then also, you will find some interesting deep-dive technical areas to learn.

Take a look at the book Learning Alfresco Web Scripts to understand and learn more about web scripts in Alfresco. Hope it will help you.

You may be interested in the following :- 

Various Twits about the book on twitter.

Some reviews about the book by experts in the community -

Thank you.

Alfresco Certified Engineer Certification - Alfresco 5

If you were planning to take the Alfresco Certified Engineer exam, and you were thinking that when it would be available for Alfresco 5 then here is something interesting for you.

I just recently learned that, Alfresco Certified Engineer Certification exam is now available for Alfresco 5 version. Hence, once you pass the certification exam, you will become - Alfresco 5 Certified Engineer.

From the exam blueprint, I found that - If you already had cleared the ACE, it would still be valid until it expire in November 2017.

Please take a look at the exam blue print for more details - ACE blueprint

If you want to find out more details and some sample questions to try out, it's available at ACE
Also, visit FAQs if you have any questions.

So, Make your self ready and get yourself certified to become an Alfresco 5 certified engineer.
Wish you all the very best !!!